Local Nature Conservation Sites - Scotland
Local nature conservation sites (LNCS) is a non-statutory designation given by local authorities to areas of locally important nature and landscapes. NatureScot, on behalf of the Local Nature Conservation Sites Working Group, published guidance (https://www.nature.scot/professional-advice/protected-areas-and-species/protected-areas/local-designations/local-nature-conservation-sites) for local authorities on the establishment and management of LNCS systems in Scotland.
One of the LNCS working group's recommendations was that all local authorities should adopt the LNCS name in place of the many different local names. However, many councils still use alternative names for these sites such as Local Biodiversity Sites, Local Wildlife Sites, Local Geodiversity Sites and Sites of Interest for Nature Conservation. We have merged these all into this national dataset.
Four LAs are still to confirm and digitise their LNCSs.
Local Nature Conservation Sites WFS
Updated: 2025-02-13
Data Provided by
Improvement Service
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Metadata Created
Metadata Updated
This dataset was amalgamated, optimised and published by the Spatial hub. The following quality assurance checks and corrections are carried out on the data: - Polygons are dissolved/ aggregated by key name and local authority. - The minimum polygon area allowed in the data is 25 square meters - Checks for invalid geometry types - The maximum angle for any spikes is 3 degrees - Any duplicate geometry is removed from the data - Polygons with no key names are not removed Please contact spatialhub@improvementservice.org.uk for more details.
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