Privacy Policy



Improvement Service, a company limited by guarantee and registered in Scotland (Company No. SC287978) and operating from iHub, Quarrywood Court, Livingston, EH54 6AX and the operator of the spatialhub (we) are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

This notice (together with our Terms and Conditions of Service and any additional terms of use incorporated by reference into these documents, together our Terms of Use) applies to your use of the spatialhub.

Please note that any reference to the Data Protection Law we make in this document includes the Data Protection Act 1998 and all applicable laws and regulations relating to the processing of personal data and privacy from time to time, including where applicable the guidance and codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner or any other applicable supervisory authority, and the equivalent of any of the foregoing in any relevant jurisdiction. For the avoidance of doubt this also includes, from implementation, the General Data Protection Regulation (“Data Protection Law”), which is due to become effective in the UK on 25th May 2018.


The spatialhub is a collection of systems & applications to allow:

  • Data collection: Scottish local authorities and Scottish national parks data custodians and specialists provide their raw spatial data to the spatialhub as files or web services

  • Data processing: the collected data are standardised and amalgamated into national datasets

  • Data publication: The amalgamated national datasets are published as web services

This notice sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect about you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.


Personal data can be anything that relates to a living person. It includes obvious things like your name and address and date of birth but also includes things you might not think about, like your car registration number, the languages you speak or your employee number.

Some information is deemed to be ‘special’ and needs more protection because of its sensitivity. This will generally be information that you wouldn’t want to be widely known or that is very personal to you. It might include things such as your religious or political beliefs, your sexual orientation or your criminal history. We don’t generally process information that comes into the ‘special’ category. We only process information that relates to who you are.

We are required by law to treat all of your personal information legally and fairly. We must also give you the means to correct it if it is wrong, allow you to object to our processing it and, in some instances, delete it from our systems if you ask us to do so.


Legitimate Interest

We need you to provide your personal data to us in order to provide the spatialhub service. We need your personal data in order to ensure that your actions when you use the system are traceable to a named individual and/or a particular organisation. We have checked that this is the best way for us to provide a service to you or your organisation while fulfilling our own obligations and to protect the spatialhub from potentially malicious or fraudulent use.


For the purpose of Data Protection Law, we are the Data Controller in relation to the processing of your personal data arising from your use of the spatialhub


We get information about you in a number of different ways. This information allows you to set up and manage your online account, use the spatialhub and raise with us any queries you might have. It also allows us to protect you and other service users from fraudulent or malicious use.

We get this information in one of more of the following ways:

  • Collecting it directly from you when you register for an account

  • Collecting it from your organisation

  • Collecting it from the devices you use when you use our service


We will collect and process the following personal data about you:

  1. Personal data you give us when you register for an account (Submitted information): This is personal data you give us when you register for an account on the spatialhub. Information You Must Provide to Get an Account: “First name”, “Last name”, “Email”, “Organisation”.

  2. Personal data you give us when you raise a query with us (Submitted information): This is personal data you give us when you raise a support request in our system. If you want to contact us or report a problem you can do so using our support request system. You can do this whether you have an account or not. To allow us to contact you and keep you up to date with your request you must give us a valid email address.

  3. Data we get about you when an organisation registers you for an account (Submitted information): Some organisations use the spatialhub by collecting your personal data themselves to create an account for you. The information we collect from organisations setting up an account on your behalf is the same as the information you would have entered yourself when setting up an account.

  4. Personal data we collect about you when you use the service. When you use the spatialhub we collect data that helps us understand how you are using the service so that we can improve it over time. The information we collect includes the type of device you are using, the unique device identifier that the manufacturer embeds into the device (eg the IMEI number of a mobile phone), your operating system and browser versions and the IP address from which you are accessing the service. Every device that connects to the internet has an IP address and we use it to identify the geographic locations from which people access the spatialhub service. We store this information securely in logfiles on our servers.

We also use this information to protect both you and us from potentially malicious or fraudulent use. For example, if you access the service using a device we have not seen before, we may ask you to authorise that device before you can continue to use the service.


The spatialhub uses cookies (small text files that we place on your device) to help provide our services to you and keep your account safe. For more information, please read our – Cookie policy


We use personal data held about you in the following ways:

  • To allow you to sign up for an account and use it to access the spatialhub; ;

  • To check that you or your organisation is entitled to use the spatialhub – eg whether your organisation is a member of the One Scotland Mapping Agreement – OSMA;

  • To help you with any queries you may have in relation to the service, for example if you raise an issue in our support request system;

  • To develop and improve the services that we offer and to help the organisations with whom you may enrol do the same;

  • To protect both you and the spatialhub service as a whole from possible fraudulent or malicious use.


We will not sell your information or disclose it for direct marketing purposes.

We we may disclose your personal data to third parties:

If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal or regulatory obligation or request; In order to:

  • Enforce or apply the Terms of Use, and other agreements you have agreed to with us or to investigate potential breaches.

  • Protect the rights, property or safety of our users or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection.


All personal data you provide to us is stored on secure servers in the UK. Your personal data will not be passed outwith the EEA. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password or authentication key that enables you to access the spatialhub, you are responsible for keeping this password or authentication key confidential. We ask you not to share a password or authentication key with anyone.

How Long We Will Keep Your Data For

  • Account created but not logged in:

  • A new user account has been created. If the user is not logged in 21 days after account creation, an email reminder will be sent out to users stating that please log in, otherwise the account will be locked 30 days of account creation.

  • Further 30 days of inactivity, the account will be locked.

  • An email notification will be sent out to them mentioning your account is locked and how to unlock it (to raise pre-login support request).

  • Inactive Account:

  • If the user account is inactive for 17 months (meaning didn’t use a WFS and/or login to the Spatial Hub), an email reminder will be sent out to users mentioning your account will be locked after 1 month.

  • After 18 months of inactivity, the user's account will be locked.

  • An email notification will be sent to users mentioning that their account has been locked and how to unlock it (to raise pre-login support request).

  • If the user's account is locked for a further 41 months, an email reminder will be sent to them stating that your account will be deleted after 1 month.

  • After 42 months of locked account, account will be deleted.

  • An email notification will be sent to them mentioning that your account has been deleted and how to create a new account.

  • Spatial Hub Agents – Data Custodians

  • In this we are going to exclude users with Webservice user Role.

  • After creating a new account, the login attempt would not count as login. The first-time login is defined as below.

  • First time login: After creating a new account, the user logs in with username and temporary password and accepts T&C.

  • To unlock/activate the account locked/disabled account, user needs to raise ticket and IS team will handle it.

  • After 18 months of inactivity, the user's account will be locked.

  • An email notification will be sent to users mentioning that their account has been locked and how to unlock it (to raise pre-login support request).

Information Security

We work hard to protect your information and keep it safe from unauthorised disclosure, alteration or destruction. Some of the measures we use include:

  • using a reputable, accredited data centre in which to store your data

  • making sure our staff and the staff of any contractors we use are security-cleared and vetted

  • encrypting our services and data

  • reviewing our processes and activities regularly to make sure they are fit for purpose

  • restricting access only to those employees who need to know the information in order to deliver the service

  • having our service checked regularly by an independent security company

  • applying formal risk management to all of our activities

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal data transmitted to the spatialhub; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your personal data, we will use strict procedures and security features as outlined above to try to prevent unauthorised access to your personal data.


You have the following rights:

  • You can withdraw your consent, seek to restrict our processing of your personal data or object to us processing your personal data for use with the spatialhub at any time by contacting us at: Please note that if you do this you may no longer be able to use spatialhub

  • You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) if you think that we have infringed your rights. You can find more information about reporting a matter to the ICO website . You have the right to access personal data held by us about you. To access your personal data and correct, update or delete it at any time you can contact In certain circumstances you have the right to ask us to provide you with your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format to allow you (or us on your behalf) to transmit this information to another party. You can see what information we hold about you by contacting us at More information can be found at the ICO website

  • You have the right to be forgotten. Individuals can ask to revoke their accounts and we will physically delete them after a time


The spatialhub may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of third parties such as Local Authorities. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites and any services that may be accessible through them have their own privacy notices and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these notices or for any personal data that may be collected through these websites or services, such as contact and location data. Please check these notices before you submit any personal data to these websites or use these services.


Any changes we may make to our privacy notice in the future will be posted on the spatialhub website and, where appropriate, notified to you when you next start the service. The new terms may be displayed on-screen and you may be required to read and accept them to continue your use of the service.


Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy notice are welcomed and should be addressed to: