Trunk Roads - Scotland
This line dataset contains the geometry and some basic attribution (like descriptor and Unique Street Reference Number) for every 'trunk' (or private company-maintained) road in Scotland. It has been taken directly from the national street gazetteer (part of the One Scotland Gazetteer).
Also provided is an 80m buffer (either side of the street centre line geometry) polygon layer which can be used for planning application constraints checking.
Under Regulation 25 and Schedule 5 of The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2013, the local planning authority is required to notify Transport Scotland where development is within 67 metres of an existing / proposed trunk road.
Transport Scotland should also be consulted on any planning applications (including ones that are further that 67 meters from the trunk road) if the development will likely result in a material increase in the volume or a material change in the character of traffic entering or leaving the trunk road. This would include the formation or modification of access from, or any works affecting, the trunk road.
Trunk Roads buffer WFS
Updated: 2025-02-28
Trunk Roads WFS
Updated: 2025-02-28
Data Provided by
Improvement Service
Other (Not Open)
Metadata Created
Metadata Updated
This dataset was provided by the One Scotland Gazetteer run by the Improvement Service Please contact for more details.