Libraries - Orkney Islands

Each Local Authority should have a list of libraries within their Council area. These may be static i.e. located in one building all of the time, or mobile i.e. they are in vehicles that attend a set location on a specific day at a certain time. This data may also be collected as part of other datasets (e.g. Council Asset Register) though Local Authorities do appear to hold it as a distinct layer.

Further information on Libraries in Scotland (inc. non-LA libraries) is available from The Scottish Library and Information Council (

"UPRN" and "address" are now MANDATORY fields for this dataset.


  • LibrariesZIP

    Location of Libraries as released under the Communities Empowerment Act

    Updated: 2017-11-30

Resources: 2

Last Updated: 2024-11-08

Data Provided by

Orkney Islands Council


UK Open Government Licence (OGL)

Metadata Created


Metadata Updated




Typical scale
