Attribute Info

Attribute name Descrición Specification
la_s_code 9-digit alpha/numeric unique ID, beginning with S (for Scotland), for the geographical area of each LA/NP. Alphanumeric Text String. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub using current list from:
local_authority The LA/NP that supplied the data. Should use the exact name as it appears in the local authority sct register.
report_year The calendar year pertaining to the dataset Numeric
pws_zone_code This is the Zone Code for the PWS zone the supply system belongs to. The PWS Zone Code consists of a three letter Local Authority code plus a three letter Zone Code. Text
pws_zone_name This is the Zone Name for the PWS zone the supply system belongs to. Text
site_ref This is the Unique Site Reference, consisting of: 1) Local Authority prefix – Three letter code supplied by DWQR in the look up table in the LA Codes LookUp tab 2) A unique identifier for each private supply system The unique reference should be used for all samples taken from properties supplied by this source. Text
supply_name This is the name of source or location name - the source is the point of abstraction from a watercourse or loch, or the site name where the spring, well or borehole is located. If a system has multiple sources, this is the primary source. Text
reg_class Classification of the private supply: Regulated or Type B text
reg_status The flag WD is used to denote supplies that are solely used for washing plant or during distillation of spirits under regulation 2(1). Text
reg_reason This is used to provide a brief description stating why the supply has been classified as Regulated. A Regulated supply -provides ≥10m3 a day or -serves ≥ 50 persons or -supplies a commercial or public activity (e.g., large population supplied, the source supplies a restaurant, holiday let, etc.) or -supplies rented accommodation It is left blank for Type B supplies Text
tourist_acc Number of properties served by the supply that provide tourist accommodation on a commercial basis (e.g. Guest Houses, B&Bs, Self Catering cottages, campsites). A campsite is one property (like a Guest House or B&B) If a "Tourist Accommodation" property also serves or prepares food on a commercial basis (i.e. has a restaurant), then it is counted under both the "Tourist Accommodation" category and the "Purpose Industrial Food" category. Numeric
purpose_dom The number of properties served by the supply that constitute domestic premises. Numeric
purpose_ind_food The number of properties served by the supply that serve or prepare food on a commercial basis (e.g. inns, cafes, food manufacturers). If the property also acts as Tourist Accommodation (i.e. restaurant in a hotel), then it is counted under both the "Tourist Accommodation" category and the "Purpose Industrial Food" category. Numeric
other_com The number of commercial premises served by supply not included in any other category Numeric
population For Tourist Accommodation properties, this is the maximum occupancy of the property, plus the maximum number of employees working on any one time. For Food Properties, this is the estimated maximum number of people served on a given day, plus the maximum number of employees working on any one time. For Tourist Properties that also serve food on a commercial basis (i.e. Hotel with a restaurant) this is the maximum occupancy of the property, plus the maximum number of people served by the property on a single day other than the property residents, plus the maximum number of employees working on any one time. For Domestic properties, this is the maximum number of people occupying the property. If true numbers are not known, then estimates of the maximum number of people who may be supplied on any one day are used, using the estimate of 2.15 people per property. For Commercial properties, this is the maximum number of people working at any one time. Numeric
volume_out Estimate of the maximum daily average volume of water supplied by private supply in cubic metres per day. If true volume is not known then an estimate of 0.2m3/d per person (200 litres) is used. Numeric
source_type The type the raw water source is, using the following codes: SB- Surface - Watercourse SL- Surface - Loch SR- Surface - Rainwater GB- Groundwater - Borehole GW- Groundwater - Well GS- Groundwater - Spring UN- Unknown If there are multiple source types, then they are all listed using a "/" (i.e. SB/SL) Text
sw_flag Populated where a source has water originating from or is influenced by surface water (using letters SI) Text
num_investigation Indicates the total number of investigations carried out in relation to the supply under part 6 of the 2017 Regulations (for Regulated supplies) or under Sec 76 notices under the 1980 Act (for Type B supplies) . Numeric
num_enforce_notices Indicates the total number of enforcement notices served in relation to the supply under Part 8 of the 2017 regulations. Numeric
exemp_radon Indicates whether an exemption has been granted for radon under Schedule 3 Part E of the 2017 Regulations. An exemption will have only been granted for supplies that have received a waiver. Letters RADX are used for exempt supplies (that have a waiver issued). Text
sh_date_uploaded Date on which the data was provided to the Spatial Hub. Date. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub upon dataset registration. In format:yyyy-mm-dd

Additional Information

Field Value
Updated 25 de novembro de 2022
Metadata Updated 8 de abril de 2024
Metadata Created unknown
Format WFS
License Other (Not Open)
Created hai 1 ano
alternative name pwssrc_premium
has views False
id e13b3fab-bbd2-458e-95c9-b37c9dfeed0f
package id 8b00f289-29c6-4d3b-bca1-20013a9405d3
position 0
state active