Attribute Info

Attribute name Descrición Specification
uid A unique ID provided for each point feature Numerical text string of 3 to 7 characters
real_name The official, real world, name of the place feature Text string
sort_name A name provided for the place feature that can be used for sorting purposes Text string
alt_names An alternative name for the place feature Text string
type_a The main categorisation of the place name. These are taken from INSPIRE standards: One of the following: "administrativeUnit" "populatedPlace" "transportNetwork" "hydrography" "landcover" "protectedSite" "landform" "building" "other" "parish"
type_b A secondary categorisation for the place feature Text string
type_c A tertiary categorisation for the place feature Text string
local_authority The LA/NP that supplied the data. Should use the exact name as it appears in the local authority sct register.
la_s_code 9-digit alpha/numeric unique ID, beginning with S (for Scotland), for the geographical area of each LA/NP. Alphanumeric Text String. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub using current list from:
modified_date Date on which the feature was last edited Date in format: dd_mm_yyyy
gfs_url Website link for each place feature in the online Gazetteer for Scotland Must be resolvable
ngridref The national grid reference for the place feature Alphanumeric text string
easting The easting for the place feature and used for geolocating the point Integer
northing The northing for the place feature and used for geolocating the point feature Integer
lat The latitude of the place feature Integer
long The longitude of the place feature Integer

Additional Information

Field Value
Updated 26 de maio de 2023
Metadata Updated 16 de xaneiro de 2024
Metadata Created unknown
Format WFS
License Other (Not Open)
Created hai 2 anos
alternative name png
has views False
id 5d97f1c0-b919-4ec4-9ae0-ef2f2db7f07d
package id 3bb48b43-f8e7-42ac-bead-f7c5a2902aa0
position 0
state active