Attribute Info

Attribute name Descrición Specification
objectid Automatically generated unique identifier Numerical
pid_global Greenspace unique ID identifier Numerical
area_m2 Area of the greenspace in m² Numerical
avbl_ar_20 Available area assuming that 20% can be used in m² Numerical
avbl_ar_40 Available area assuming that 40% can be used in m² Numerical
avbl_ar_60 Available area assuming that 60% can be used in m² Numerical
aa_40_cat Classification of available area at 40% of the total area based on equal count intervals: HIGH >= 816, MEDIUM 199 – 816, LOW < 199 based on 3 equal count classes. Textural
stp_slp Flag to indicate the greenspace contains land which has a slope of 18% or over Textural
lhd_suit Linear heat density (LHD) suitability. If the PID falls within LHD band 4000, suitability is "Potentially Suitable LHD"; If the PID falls within LHD band 8000, suitability is "Suitable LHD"; If the PID falls within LHD band 16000, suitability is "Highly Suitable LHD" Textural
lhd_p_suit Linear heat density (LHD) suitability based on public demand. If the PID falls within LHD band 4000, suitability is "Suitable LHD Textural
gshp_20_p Ground source heat pump peak potential, based on available area being at 20% of the total area (measured in MW) Numerical
gshp_20_a Ground source heat pump annual potential, based on available area being at 20% of the total area (measured in MWh/annum) Numerical
gshp_40_p Ground source heat pump peak potential, based on available area being at 40% of the total area (measured in MW) Numerical
gshp_40_a Ground source heat pump annual potential, based on available areabeing at 40% of the total area (measured in MWh/annum) Numerical
gshp_60_p Ground source heat pump peak potential, based on available area being at 60% of the total area (measured in MW) Numerical
gshp_60_a Ground source heat pump annual potential, based on available area being at 60% of the total area (measured in MWh/annum) Numerical
gshp_40a_c Classification of GSHP annual potential based on available area being at 40% of the total area – HIGH > 137090, MEDIUM 33421 – 137090, LOW < 33421 based on 3 equal count classes. Numerical
gshp_s_v Ground source heat pump site viability (Yes or No) Textural
d_50_p Total demand from public building heat map points within 50m (measured in MWh/annum) Numerical
c_d_50_p Count of public building heat map points within 50m Numerical
m_d_50_p Maximum demand value from public building heat map points within 50m (measured in MWh/annum) Textural
m_d_50_p_u UPRN of public building within the highest demand value within 50m Textural
m_d_50_p_c Classification of "Max_Demand_Within_50m_Public": <= 19681: 'low' <= 37846: 'medium' > 37846: 'high' Textural
met_d_50_p Check to see if supply (taken as column "GSHP_40_Perc_Annual") covers the public demand within 50m (taken as column "Total_Demand_Within_50m_Public") Textural
d_500_p Total demand from public building heat map points within 500m (measured in MWh/annum) Numerical
c_d_500_p Count of public building heat map points within 500m Numerical
d_500 Total demand from heat map points within 500m (measured in MWh/annum) Numerical
g_m_d_500 Check to see if supply (taken as column "GSHP_40_Perc_Annual") covers the demand within 500m (taken as column "Total_Demand_Within_500m") Textural
g_m_d_500p Check to see if supply (taken as column "GSHP_40_Perc_Annual") covers the public demand within 500m (taken as column "Total_Demand_Within_500m_Public") Textural
dhn_500 Check to see if a District Heating network is within 500m Numerical
f_p_c_500 Count of properties in fuel poverty within 500m Numerical
ha_c_500 Count of properties in fuel poverty within 500m Numerical
f_p_p_500 Percentage of Home Analytics properties in fuel poverty within 500m Numerical
f_p_p_cat Category (High/Medium/Low) based on percentage of Home Analytics properties in fuel poverty within 500m (LOW < 0.17; MEDIUM 0.17 - 0.29; HIGH > 0.29) based on equal count classes Textural
gg_c_500 Count of Home Analytics properties on the gas grid within 500m Numerical
g_of_c_500 Count of Home Analytics properties off the gas grid within 500m Numerical
g_on_p_500 Percentage of Home Analytics properties on the gas grid within 500m Numerical
g_of_p_cat Category (High/Medium/Low) based on percentage of Home Analytics properties on the gas grid within 500m (LOW < 0.909; MEDIUM 0.909 - 0.984; HIGH > 0.984) based on equal count classes Textural
gg_check Check to see if the PID intersects with the off gas grid areas defined in shape file used in Phase 1 of ParkPower project Textural
swb_area Combined area of all static waterbodies within 100m (measured in m²) Numerical
nswb_area Combined area of all non-static waterbodies within 100m (measured in m²) Numerical
wshp_area Combined area of all waterbodies (measured in m²) Numerical
wshp_suit Water source Heat Pump suitability categories based on "Area_WSHP_m2" = 0: 'low' <= 1649: 'medium' > 1649: 'high' Textural
local_auth Name of the local authority which the greenspace falls in. If the greenspace falls in two or more local authorities, then it takes the name of the local authority where the largest area falls Textural
settlement Settlement code of the settlement which the greenspace falls in. If the greenspace falls in two or more settlements, then it takes the name of the settlement where the largest area falls Textural
partners Name of the Partner area which the greenspace falls in. If the greenspace falls in two or more Partner area, then it takes the name of the Partner area where the largest area falls Textural
easting Easting coordinate in British National Grid Numerical
northing Northing coordinate in British National Grid Numerical
x_wgs1984 X coordinate in WGS 1984 Numerical
y_wgs1984 Y coordinate in WGS 1984 Numerical
shape_leng Automatically generated column indicating length of perimeter (measured in metres) Numerical
shape_area Automatically generated column indicating area (measured in m²) Numerical
gs_s_i Classification based on Linear heat density (demand for heat) and output potential (supply of heat): (1) VERY HIGH = LHD_Suitability is "Highly Suitable LHD" and GSHP_40_A is in highest decile (>=1063 MWh) (2) HIGH = LHD_Suitability is "Highly Suitable LHD" and GSHP_40_A in 2 nd highest decile (340 – 1063 MWh). (3) MEDIUM = LHD_Suitability is "Highly Suitable LHD" and GSHP_40_A < 340 MWh OR LHD_Suitability is "Suitable LHD" and GSHP_40_A > 340 MWh OR LHD_Suitability is "Potentially Suitable LHD" and GSHP_40_A >= 1063 MWh. (4) LOW = all others Textural

Additional Information

Field Value
Updated 28 de febreiro de 2025
Metadata Updated 28 de febreiro de 2025
Metadata Created unknown
Format WFS
License Other (Not Open)
Created hai 4 anos
alternative name ghigs-green
has views False
id 933ebf89-6970-4353-adfc-27eba3c3bfe1
package id 82cfa2de-0fdc-4e38-a619-2dd754007135
position 7
state active