Attribute Info

Attribute name Descrición Specification
local_auth Local Authority name that the major area of settlement falls within Textural
objectid Unique ID Numerical
population Population mid-2012 estimate - source: settlements data file from Scottish Government heat map team Numerical
settlement Count of settlements within local authority Numerical
count_ Number of heat demand addresses - source: settlements data file from Scottish Government heat map team Numerical
sum_heatde Sum of all heat demand (kWh/yr) of buildings that intersect the settlement boundary - source: settlements data file from Scottish Government heat map team Numerical
shape_area Settlement polygon area m2 - source: settlements data file from heat map Numerical
count_dhns Count of existing DHNs - source: settlements data file from heat map Numerical
gs_area_m2 Total area (m2) of 40% available greenspace which intersect (within or area both inside and outside settlement where it cuts) the settlement boundary Numerical
efw_cnt Count of Energy from Waste (EfW) plants within each settlement boundary - source: SEPA Online Numerical
pubbuil_cn The number of public buildings (estimated) with heat demand exceeding 50,000 kWh/year - source: Heat Map + Home Analytics Numerical
pubbuilkwh Total heat demand of public buildings (estimated) with heat demand exceeding 50,000 kWh/year - source: Heat Map + Home Analytics Numerical
gs_gshper2 % total potential ground source heat capacity (based on 40% availability) by heat demand (kWh/year) of settlement. Where greenspace heat capacity exceeds settlement heat demand due to greenspace outside the settlement boundary, the percentage has been capped at 100%. Numerical
lhd800_m2 Total area (m2) defined by Linear Heat Density 8000 kWh/m/yr band as highly suited to District Heat Networks Numerical
ha_ha_cnt Count of Housing Association owned residential properties - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_la_cnt Count of Council owned residential properties - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_sh_cnt Count of all social housing (Housing Association + Council owned) residential properties - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_prop_cn Count of all residential properties - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_sh_per % social housing (council owned + RSL/housing association owned) - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_pre49_c Count of all residential properties built pre-1949 - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_p49_per % of all residential properties built pre-1949 - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_sap_cnt Count of all residential properties with SAP classes of D, E, F, G (least thermally efficient) - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_sap_per % of all residential properties with SAP classes of D, E, F, G (least thermally efficient) - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_residhh Total count of domestic households - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_hhogas Count of households classed as off-gas and then filtered to include those households > 23m from the gas grid - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_hhogper % of HA_HHOGas by total households - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_fp Count of households with 50% or more probability of being in fuel poverty - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_exfp Count of households with 50% or more probability of being in extreme fuel poverty - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_fpper % households with 50% or more probability of being in fuel poverty by total households - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_efpper % households with 50% or more probability of being in extreme fuel poverty by total households - source: Home Analytics Numerical
gs_20pckwh Total ground source heat annual potential (kWh/year) from all greenspaces (based on 20% availability) Numerical
gs_20pc__1 Total ground source heat annual potential (kWh/year) from all greenspaces (based on 20% availability) of settlement – where this exceeds total heat demand of settlement the value has been capped at 100% (total heat demand of settlement) Numerical
gs_cnt Number of greenspaces which intersect the settlement boundary Numerical
gs_dem_ Proportion of total settlement heat demand that could be met from ground source heat under urban greenspace (%) Numerical
ws_kwh Water source heat capacity from non-tidal rivers (kWh/year) Numerical
ws_kwh_cap Water source heat capacity from rivers capped at 100% heat demand (kWh/year) Numerical
ws_dem_ Proportion of total settlement heat demand that could be met from water source heat from non-tidal rivers (%) Numerical
ws_gskwh Total water source capacity from rivers + ground source capacity from urban greenspace uncapped (kWh/year) Numerical
ws_gskwhc Total water source from rivers + ground source from urban greenspace heat capacity (kWh) capped at 100% of settlement heat demand (kWh/year) Numerical
ws_gskwhcc Total water source capacity (from rivers) capped + ground source capacity (from urban greenspace) capped then capped at 100% demand (kWh/year) Numerical
ws_gs_dem_ Proportion of total settlement heat demand that could be met by water source heat from non-tidal rivers and ground source heat from under greenspaces when capped at 100% heat demand (%) Numerical
ws_gs_co2 Carbon saving assuming all water source and ground source heat capacity (capped to 100% heat demand) is usable (TCO2e) compared with using natural gas to meet this demand Numerical

Additional Information

Field Value
Updated 5 de marzo de 2025
Metadata Updated 5 de marzo de 2025
Metadata Created unknown
Format WFS
License Other (Not Open)
Created hai 4 anos
alternative name ghigs-stlmnt-la
has views False
id 5f7c750e-9012-445b-a563-0af02c1832d7
package id 82cfa2de-0fdc-4e38-a619-2dd754007135
position 14
state active