Attribute Info

Attribute name Descrición Specification
objectid_1 Unique ID Numerical
s12code Settlement area geography entity Alphanumeric
s12name Settlement area geography instance Textural
population Population mid-2012 estimate - source: settlements data file from Scottish Government heat map team Numerical
popndensit Population density based on mid-2012 estimate - source: settlements data file from Scottish Government heat map team Numerical
count_ Number of heat demand addresses - source: settlements data file from Scottish Government heat map team Numerical
sum_confid Sum of confidence field in heatdemand feature class of points that intersect the settlement shape - source: settlements data file from Scottish Government heat map team Numerical
avg_confid Average of confidence field in heatdemand feature class of points that intersect the settlement shape - source: settlements data file from Scottish Government heat map team Numerical
sd_confide Confidence rating (0-1) Numerical
sum_heatde Sum of all heat demand (kWh/yr) of buildings that intersect the settlement boundary - source: settlements data file from Scottish Government heat map team Numerical
avg_heatde Mean average of all heat demand (kWh/yr) per building that intersect the settlement shape - source: settlements data file from Scottish Government heat map team Numerical
sd_heatdem Standard deviation of heatdemand field in heatdemand feature class of points that intersect the settlement shape - source: settlements data file from heat map Numerical
shape_area Settlement polygon area m2 - source: settlements data file from heat map Numerical
heat_densi Heat density (sum heat demand divided by area of settlement) Numerical
swb_count Count of static water bodies (lochs, ponds, canals, and other bodies of water over 1000m2 in area) within a 250m buffer of settlement Numerical
swb_max_m2 Largest (in area) static water body (over 1000m2 in area) within 250m buffer of settlement boundary Numerical
swb_sum_m2 Total area of all static water bodies (over 1000m2 in area) within 250m buffer of settlement boundary Numerical
swb_sum_pc % of settlement area covered by static water bodies (over 1000m2 in area) within 250m buffer of settlement boundary Numerical
msh_potent Marine Source Heat potential (HIGH: settlement within 250m of MLWS, MEDIUM: settlement within 500m MLWS, LOW: settlement within 500m of MHW) Textural
swbsh_pot Static Water Body Source Heat Potential (HIGH: >= 3% settlement covered by static water bodies within 250m, MEDIUM: 1 - 3% of settlement covered by static water bodies within 250m, LOW: < 1% settlement covered by static water bodies such as lochs, ponds, canals, flooded pits/quarrier within 250m buffer of boundary) Textural
ogas_cat Categorisation of % of HA_HHOGas by total households (HIGH: 80% or more, MEDIUM: 10 - 80%, LOW: less than 10%) - source: Home Analytics Textural
fp_cat Categorisation of % households with 50% or more probability of being in fuel poverty by total households (HIGH: 30% or more, MEDIUM: 20 - 30%, LOW: less than 20%) - source: Home Analytics Textural
efp_cat Categorisation of % households with 50% or more probability of being in extreme fuel poverty by total households (HIGH: 20% or more, MEDIUM: 10 - 20%, LOW: less than 10%) - source: Home Analytics Textural
hden_cat Categorisation of settlement heat density (sum of total heat demand divided by settlement area) (HIGH: 25% or more, MEDIUM: 15 - 25%, LOW: less than 15%) Textural
count_dhns Count of existing DHNs - source: settlements data file from heat map Numerical
dhn_densit Density score of existing DHNs (Count of existing DHNs / area of settlement x 1000000) Numerical
dhnden_cat Categorisation of heat density (HIGH: 25% or more, MEDIUM: 15 - 25%, LOW: less than 15%) Textural
shous_cat Categorisation by % social housing (HIGH: 30% or more, MEDIUM: 20-30% , LOW: less than 20%) Textural
pre49_cat Categorisation by % of all residential properties built pre- 1949 (HIGH: 35% or more , MEDIUM: 20-30% , LOW: less than 20% ) - source: Home Analytics Textural
sap_cat Categorisation by % of all residential properties with SAP classes of D, E, F, G (HIGH: 70% or more , MEDIUM: 50- 70% , LOW: less than 50% ) - source: Home Analytics Textural
lhd800_cat Categorisation by % area defined by Linear Heat Density 8000 kWh/m/yr band as highly suited to District Heat Networks (HIGH: >= 24%, MEDIUM: 7-24% , LOW: < 7%) Textural
gs_area_m2 Total area (m2) of 40% available greenspace which intersect (within or area both inside and outside settlement where it cuts) the settlement boundary Numerical
gs_area_pc % area covered by 40% available greenspace which intersects (within or overlaps) the settlement boundary Numerical
gs_areacat Categorisation by % settlement area covered by 40% available greenspace which intersects (within or area both inside and outside settlement where it cuts) the settlement boundary (HIGH: >= 30% , MEDIUM: 15 - 30% , LOW: < 15%) Categorisation (based on equal count) of HIGH (>=15%) / MEDIUM (7-15%) / LOW (<7%) based on % of settlement area covered by available greenspace (20% availability) which intersects the settlement boundary (including areas of greenspace that overlap boundary with some of their area outside the settlement). Textural
efw_avai Categorisation by access to Energy from Waste plants to provide a heat source (HIGH: 1 or more sources inside settlement boundary, MEDIUM: 1 or more sources within 1km of settlement boundary, LOW: 1 or more sources within 3km of settlement boundary) Textural
efw_cnt Count of Energy from Waste (EfW) plants within each settlement boundary - source: SEPA Online Numerical
lhd800cat2 Categorisation by total area covered by Linear Heat Density 8000 kWh/m/yr band (HIGH: > 762739 m2 , MEDIUM: 90490 - 762739 m2, LOW: < 90490 m2) Textural
gs_40pckwh Total ground source heat annual potential (kWh/year) from all greenspaces (based on 40% availability) Numerical
gs_gsh_per % total ground source heat annual potential (kWh/year) from all greenspaces (based on 40% availability) by total heat demand (kWh/year) of settlement Numerical
gs_gsh_cat Categorisation of % total potential ground source heat output (based on 40% availability) by heat demand (kWh/year) of settlement (HIGH: > 200% , MEDIUM: 100 - 200% , LOW: < 100%) textural
gs_kwh_cap Ground source heat capacity (measured in KWh) Numerical
flowperkwh Mean average flow rate for main river channel(s) in settlement by total heat demand of settlement multiplied by factor of 1,000,000,000 Numerical
lhd400p_pe % of settlement area defined by Linear Heat Density 4000 kWh/m/yr band based only on demand from public buildings - areas are highly suited to District Heat Networks - source: Heat Map + Home Analytics Numerical
lhd400p_ar Total area (m2) defined by Linear Heat Density 4000 kWh/m/yr based only on demand from public buildings - areas are highly suited to District Heat Networks - source: Heat Map + Home Analytics None
lhd400p_ca Categorisation by % area defined by Linear Heat Density 4000 kWh/m/yr based only on demand from public buildings - areas are highly suited to District Heat Networks (HIGH: > 8%, MEDIUM: 2-8% , LOW: < 2%) - source: Heat Map + Home Analytics Textural
lad17nm Local Authority name that the major area of settlement falls within Textural
pubbuil_cn The number of public buildings (estimated) with heat demand exceeding 50,000 kWh/year Numerical
pb_kwh_per % heat demand of public buildings (estimated) with heat demand exceeding 50,000 kWh/year by total heat demand of settlement - source: Heat Map + Home Analytics Numerical
pubbuilkwh Total heat demand of public buildings (estimated) with heat demand exceeding 50,000 kWh/year - source: Heat Map + Home Analytics Numerical
pb_kwh_cat Categorisation by % heat demand of public buildings (estimated) having heat demands exceeding 50,000 kWh/year by total heat demand of settlement (HIGH: > 6%, MEDIUM: 3-6% , LOW: < 3%) Textural
gs_gshper2 % total potential ground source heat capacity (based on 40% availability) by heat demand (kWh/year) of settlement. Where greenspace heat capacity exceeds settlement heat demand due to greenspace outside the settlement boundary, the percentage has been capped at 100% Numerical
lhd800_m2 Total area (m2) defined by Linear Heat Density 8000 kWh/m/yr band as highly suited to District Heat Networks Numerical
lhd800_per % of settlement area defined by Linear Heat Density 8000 kWh/m/yr band as highly suited to District Heat Networks Numerical
ha_ha_cnt Count of Housing Association owned residential properties - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_la_cnt Count of Council owned residential properties - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_sh_cnt Count of all social housing (Housing Association + Council owned) residential properties - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_prop_cn Count of all residential properties - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_sh_per % social housing (council owned + RSL/housing association owned) - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_pre49_c Count of all residential properties built pre-1949 - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_p49_per % of all residential properties built pre-1949 - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_sap_cnt Count of all residential properties with SAP classes of D, E, F, G (least thermally efficient) - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_sap_per % of all residential properties with SAP classes of D, E, F, G (least thermally efficient) - source: Home Analytics Numerical
avg_flow Mean average flow rate for main river channel(s) in settlement Numerical
flowperpop Mean average flow rate for main river channel(s) in settlement by total heat demand of settlement multiplied by factor of 1,000,000,000. Numerical
ha_residhh Total count of domestic households - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_hhogas Count of households classed as off-gas and then filtered to include those households > 23m from the gas grid - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_hhogper % of HA_HHOGas by total households - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_fp Count of households with 50% or more probability of being in fuel poverty - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_exfp Count of households with 50% or more probability of being in extreme fuel poverty - source: Home Analytics None
ha_fpper % households with 50% or more probability of being in fuel poverty by total households - source: Home Analytics Numerical
ha_efpper % households with 50% or more probability of being in extreme fuel poverty by total households - source: Home Analytics Numerical
rsh_potent River Source Heat potential (LOW: < 1 mean flow rate, MEDIUM: 1-5 mean flow rate, HIGH: >5 m3/sec mean flow rate) Textural
gs_20pckwh Total ground source heat annual potential (kWh/year) from all greenspaces (based on 20% availability) Numerical
gs_20pc_pc % total ground source heat annual potential (kWh/year) from all greenspaces (based on 20% availability) by total heat demand (kWh/year) of settlement – where this exceeds 100% the value has been capped at 100%. Numerical
gs_20pc_ca Categorisation (based on Jenks natural breaks) of % total ground source heat annual potential from all greenspaces (based on 20% availability) (HIGH: >= 76%, MEDIUM: 42% – 76%, LOW: < 42%) Textural
gs_kwh_cat Categorisation (equal count) of total ground source heat annual potential (kWh/year) from all greenspaces (based on 20% availability) (HIGH: > 32260272 kWh, MEDIUM: 11078316 - 32260272 kWh, LOW: < 11078316 kWh) Textural

Additional Information

Field Value
Updated 28 de febreiro de 2025
Metadata Updated 28 de febreiro de 2025
Metadata Created unknown
Format WFS
License Other (Not Open)
Created hai 4 anos
alternative name ghigs-stlmnt
has views False
id 37168bba-0234-4499-a959-44a198d2eed5
package id 82cfa2de-0fdc-4e38-a619-2dd754007135
position 13
state active