Attribute Info

Attribute name Description Specification
la_s_code 9-digit alpha/numeric unique ID, beginning with S (for Scotland), for the geographical area of each LA/NP. Alphanumeric Text String. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub using current list from:
local_authority The LA/NP that supplied the data. Should use the exact name as it appears in the local authority sct register.
feature_id A unique ID for the feature as defined by the LA Alpha numeric field. No standards as yet.
address The address provided for the feature Text string
material The material the feature is made of Alpha numeric field
power The power the features uses/requires Numeric field
height The height of the feature Numeric field
notes A general description of the feature Text string
sh_src_id ID for each record per Spatial Hub upload. Used for reporting any issues back to LA/NP. Integer. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub upon dataset registration.
sh_src Unique reference assigned to the LA/NP upload file. Used for reporting any issues back to LA. Text String. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub upon dataset registration.
sh_date_uploaded Date on which the data was provided to the Spatial Hub. Date. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub upon dataset registration. In format:yyyy-mm-dd

Additional Information

Field Value
Updated February 1, 2025
Metadata Updated February 7, 2025
Metadata Created unknown
Format WFS
License Other (Not Open)
Created 4 months ago
alternative name stlghts_premium
has views False
id a02c5b98-a893-449a-9ff6-e30643fef4a9
package id 3cd35126-bedb-4201-b876-3539f5940a2f
position 1
state active