Attribute Info

Attribute name Description Specification
la_s_code None Provided via FME workbench
local_authority Local authority where the site is located String
site_reference Unique site reference provided by the local authority Text string
site_name The name of the site Text string
site_location A location description of the site String
brown_greenfield Whether the site is on brownfield or greenfield land String
developer The building, owner or developer of the site String
ldp_reference For sites referenced within the local authorities' Local Development Plan the relevant reference can be included within this field. Site reference string
planning_ref Any planning applications relevant to the site that were included by the local authority Planning reference string, can include multiple planning references
no_flats_prop The number of flats proposed for the site (if known) The number of flats.
no_houses_prop Number of houses proposed for the site (if known) Number of houses
status The planning status of the site (allocated within the LDP, an unallocated proposal, completed site, site with planning permission, under construction or planning status not specified). String
tenure_type The tenure included within the site (market, affordable, mixed, not specified). String, Affordable, Market or Mixed.
easting Site easting coordinate A float value
northing Northing value for the site Float value
capacity The overall site capacity defined by the local authority Site capacity as of the latest available site information
completions The number of completions recorded on the site by the local authority Number of completions
remaining The remaining capacity within the site as defined by the local authority Number of remaining units as of the latest information
prog_22_23 Predicted completions for the financial year 22/23 Completions predicted for that year.
prog_23_24 Completions predicted for 23-24 that year. Completions predicted for that year.
prog_24_25 Completions predicted for 24-25 Completions predicted for that year.
prog_25_26 Completions predicted for 25-26. Completions predicted for that year.
prog_26_27 Completions predicted for 26-27 Completions predicted for that year.
prog_27_28 Completions predicted for 27-28 Completions predicted for that year.
prog_28_29 Completions predicted for 28-29 Completions predicted for that year.
prog_29_30 Completions predicted for 29-30 Completions predicted for that year.
prog_30_31 Completions predicted for 30-31 Completions predicted for that year.
prog_31_32 Completions predicted for 31-32 Completions predicted for that year.
prog_32_33 Completions predicted for 32-33 Completions predicted for that year.
sh_date_uploaded None None
sh_src None None
sh_src_id None None

Additional Information

Field Value
Updated October 3, 2024
Metadata Updated October 4, 2024
Metadata Created unknown
Format WFS
License Other (Not Open)
Created 5 months ago
alternative name hls22to23_premium
has views False
id 3927390f-0fc9-4a23-8237-b7a1b0aaa6f4
package id 1fda2fa1-20cd-4ba0-bb31-4f4e6bb8d5e5
position 1
state active