Attribute Info

Attribute name Description Specification
la_s_code 9-digit alpha/numeric unique ID, beginning with S (for Scotland), for the geographical area of each LA/NP. Alphanumeric Text String. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub using current list from:
local_authority The LA/NP that supplied the data. Should use the exact name as it appears in the local authority sct register.
site_name The name of the site Text
site_address The address or location of the site as defined by the LA Preferably the same as the One Scotland Gazetteer
site_use The use for the site Text
site_type The type of site - brownfield or greenfield Text
site_ref The reference code for the site as defined by the LA Can be text, number or both currently. No standards seem to exist for this as yet
ldp_ref The reference for the Local Development Plan Will be a unique format for each council. Standards may be required in the future
site_category site category - typically related to marketability status Free text
area_ha Area of the site in hectares Numeric to two decimal places
url The website url for a webpage with more detail URL must be resolvable
sh_date_uploaded Date on which the data was provided to the Spatial Hub. Date. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub upon dataset registration. In format:yyyy-mm-dd
sh_src Unique reference assigned to the LA/NP upload file. Used for reporting any issues back to LA. Text String. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub upon dataset registration.
sh_src_id ID for each record per Spatial Hub upload. Used for reporting any issues back to LA/NP. Integer. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub upon dataset registration.

Additional Information

Field Value
Updated November 4, 2024
Metadata Updated November 4, 2024
Metadata Created unknown
Format WFS
License Other (Not Open)
Created 1 year ago
alternative name els_premium
has views False
id 4607341a-a08e-40cd-bc82-d42124f72fc5
package id 28ab01c1-f5fc-42a0-a6d2-152c56938d6d
position 0
state active