Community Council Boundaries - Scotland

Community councils are required to be established by local authorities. They are the most local tier of statutory representation in Scotland. They bridge the gap between local authorities and communities and help to make public bodies aware of the opinions and needs of the communities they represent. Community councils are statutory consultees under various processes, such as for planning applications.

There are many instances where polygons do not tessellate or snap to local authority boundaries. The Spatial Hub processing can correct for some minor gap errors (<5m) but not larger ones. Such gaps in the dataset mean that it cannot potentially be used for some kinds of spatial analysis e.g. point in polygon, because some point locations may fall within the gaps. These gaps either require amendment at source or approval for the IS to change.


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Last Updated: 2023-04-06

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Resources: 5

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Data Provided by

Improvement Service


UK Open Government Licence (OGL)

Metadata Created


Metadata Updated





This dataset was amalgamated, optimised and published by the Spatial hub. The following quality assurance checks and corrections are carried out on the data: - Polygons are dissolved/ aggregated by key name and local authority. - The minimum polygon area allowed in the data is 100 square meters - Checks for invalid geometry types - The maximum angle for any spikes is 3 degrees - Any duplicate geometry is removed from the data - Duplicate key names for polygons are not removed - Polygons with no key names are not removed - a polygon overlaps a local authority boundary (or any other input data) by up to 5m we will snap this to the boundary. - Where a polygon has a gap of 5m to a local authority boundary (or any other input data) we will snap this to the boundary. Please contact for more details


